20.42 0
ane sudi ngeshare sepuluh dari banyak hal yang gak semestinya di serach di Google. Mengapa gak boleh di serach? Asal agan-agan sekalian pemberani dan gak punya phobia apa-apa karena beberapa dari hal-hal itu mengerikan, menjijikan, dan bikin geli.
Gak usah banyak cing cong deh ya, cekibrot

Clock Spider
Jika agan search di google clock spider, agan bisa langsung masuk ke google image dan ngeliat bahwa ternyata di dunia ini ada laba-laba dengan ukuran super tidak kecil yang biasa sembunyi di balik jam dinding. hiiiiiiii geli gan. bayangin jika agan mau ganti batre jam dinding agan di kediaman agan, pas jam nya di angkat, eh ada yang ngerayap di belakangnya wkwkwkwk

Trypohpobia merupakan istilah untuk ketakutan mendalam pada pola lubang-lubang kecil yang menumpuk. Sekitar 40% penduduk bumi mempunyai phobia ini. Yakin kalu agan nggak punya phobia ini? coba dulu search kata trypophobia di google image. Selama 30 detik, kalau gak merinding bulu kuduk agan di belakang eher berarti agan emang nggak punya trypohpobia kalau agan kuat ngeliatin gambar-gambarnya

Wet Koala
Seluruh orang pasti tau jika binatang koala tersebut lucu kan. Ane yakin kebanyakan aganwati suka ama hewan ini bahkan mungkin punya bonekanya di kamar masing-masing. Tapi tau nggak jika wujud asli Koala itu mengerikan Karena wujud aslinya tersembunyi di pulang bulu tebal mereka, mereka cuma terlihat lucu coba serach wet koala di google image. jeng jeng jeng jeng!!!

Peanut world's ugliest dog
Sama seperti hewan Koala, banyak sekali pecinta anjing di dunia, bahkan tidak dekat lebih tidak sedikit. Lantaran mereka hewan peliharaan yang setia, kebanyakan alasannya Namun coba search anjing ini di google, peanut, the world's ugliest dog. Kontes anjing terjelek di dunia dimenangkan ia anjing terjelek.

Bed Bug on Matress
Gak usah banyak cing cong buat yang ini, ane jamin abis ngeliat hasil pencariannya di google image, agan-agan sekalian langsung pada bersih bersih kamar wkwkwkwkw

Skin Condition
Yang ini ampe saat ini masih kebayang di otak ane. kayak nggak bisa ilang gitu hahahaha. Serem banget deh. Tetapi hasil pencarian di google image akan nunjukin versi extreme dari kaki gajah biasa yang agan mungkin pernah liat jika itu fenomena ke diri ane sendiri wkwkwkwkwk

jika bahasa indonesianya sih kaki gajah cobain aja.

Harlequin FetusPas
pertama ane search, ane pikir itu gambar bayi ultramen gan wkwkwkwkwkw... pas di perhatiin, haduuuuuuuuuh amit amit deeeehhhhhhh.

Blue waffleCoba
search ini di google web, terus masuk ke website pertama yang alamat webnya mengandung kata blue waffle. di situ agan bakal tergiur melihat keindahan waffle berwarna biru nya wkwkwkwkwkwk

Eel girl / Eel
soupSearch eel girl di google web, masuk ke website pertama yang judulnya eel soup. tonton videonya ampe abis. abis itu agan akan tidak gampang boker dengan tenang hahahahahaha

Ane sengaja nggak upload gambar-gambar pencariannya biar agan bisa cari sendiri dan ngerasain deg-degannya sama kayak ane pas ngesearch sendiri. btw sebagian dari itu NSFW yaaaa jadi siap siap aja. Jangan ngajak adek2 agan yg masih tidak besar buat ikutan.


23.03 0
Beneran ga ya gan kalo ini beberapa Bagian Tubuh yang Paling Sering Membuat Cowok Tergila-gila, ini lapiranya gan ??
Tandasnya "Cowok itu makhluk visual"

Mungkin pernyataan ini udah sering banget anda dengar. Seperti dikutip dari Okezone.com, psikolog Bondan Seno Prasetyadi mengatakan bahwa cowok cenderung menilai pasangan menggunakan kemampuan rasionalnya. Itulah sebabnya, kesan pertama yang mereka tangkap sering kali berkaitan dengan kondisi fisik.
Bagian Tubuh Cewek Yang Paling Sering Membuat Cowok Terguncang Guncang
Nah buat Sista-Sista, Sista mungkin penasaran dengan itu. Sebenarnya, bagian tubuh mana aja sih yang diperhatikan oleh Agan agan? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu, berikut ini Coba simak aja yah,..

Lelaki Suka Perempuan dengan kaki yang jenjang, bersih, dan tidak berbulu
Banyak agan bilang jika sista dengan kaki bersih dan jenjang selalu berhasil menarik perhatian

Mereka yang punya mata indah biasanya sering menawan hati ku
Sista dengan mata yang bersinar dan terlihat teduh ungkapnya sih bikin ane tergila-gila. Gimana menurutmu, sista?

Senyuman sista yang manis dan ramah, bisa membuat lelaki hanyut dan tenggelam dalam asmara
Ga selalu body aduhay yang di bidik lelaki, sering kali cewek dengan senyuman manis ampuh membenamkan daya tarik tidak biasa

Senyum dan lesung pipit bikin cewek terlihat menarik dan penuh pesona
Sista dengan senyum manis dan lesung pipit juga jadi kesukaan banyak pria. Kaum yang mempunyai perihal ini terlihat amat menarik di mata kaum adam

Ada Juga Sejumlah lelaki yang senang dengan sista beralis tebal
Sista dengan alis tebal sering langsung mencuri perhatian tidak sedikit lelaki

Ayoo sista coba berdiri di depan kaca, adakah beberapa perihal tsb yang menjadi bagian dari sista, Kalo ada hati hati sis, sista segera menjadi buruan buaya-buaya darat dan sebagian hidung belang

Perlu Di ketahui, Pepatah Bahwa Pria Itu Seperti Kucing, Kalo Dikasih Ikan Ya Langsung Di Sambar. Untuk Sista-Sista Yang Punya Tidak sedikit Pesona, Pandailah Dalam Menjaga Diri Sendiri

Why You Should Think Positive?

21.08 0

      Positive thinking is something quite difficult to do most of the people of Indonesia. How not to try, for example, people are again courting. Boyfriend left briefly mistaken for cheating and looking for another girl. Excessive fear and always think negatively about your partner, if you do not believe, what for in doing to be his girlfriend. But it is not a matter of love-romance that I want to discuss this time but rather to the way of thinking in order to think more positively and do not always think negative

Why is it important that positive thinking? It will make you get something better. Also helping to resolve any problems that exist in life, able to make your day so much better than before. That is why positive thinking is important in life, do not think all things happen is uncertain. Positive thinking it was actually a lot of benefits, let us peel one by one as below:

1. Positive thinking makes you grateful with what you have today

Why did it happen? The sure thing is that when you think you've received a positive means that no matter what you have today. Including you also appreciate what you already have and you do not have today. Many people who do not necessarily have what you have today, maybe sometimes you always look up to the people whose lives like running smooth and fine in fact everything he wanted always he get

But you try to look in other directions, while there are many people who do not have what you have today. How wonderful if you try to be grateful for it. This will make you more eager to achieve something that you have not had. Compared to just think of envy to others, it is better to cultivate an attitude of positive thinking, right?

2. Enjoy the beauty of life even in difficult circumstances

Many tasks or office work piling up? Think positively with what is at issue today you can make your days busy tasted mediocre. There must be something out of everything you do today, let's just say it fosters mental tasks you for a bigger task. Or for example, do not have the money at a certain time, it will make you to think savers

Surely any issues or problems that you face today is always a way out. In each of these issues also you can take a lesson and valuable lessons. So do not be afraid to confront the problem, since the problems you will grow stronger than that now

3. Keep you from stress and depression
One of the diseases when you think too much is stress. After that you will feel depressed because they feel every thing you do is futile. Though not as it was, in fact every thing you're going through no avail. It was a valuable experience that not everyone can get. Therefore you familiarize yourself with positive thinking you will be able to avoid stress

Maybe stress approached but you're already accustomed to deal with a head cold. When stress comes you can set up strategies to eliminate the stress. That's what separates you with others, please try!

4. Make it easy for you to achieve the goals you make
Because it was used to think positive then you also will eventually be easier to reach your goal. Why does this happen? Because you can already feel the beauty of life with gratitude and also was able to control what if you begin to feel all the stress phase. With planning you make will certainly be easier if you have a strong determination to mencapi such purposes. The habit of positive thinking will certainly be very helpful because you always see things from a different side and there must be intent and purpose

Whatever you desire will someday be achieved if you are already used to thinking positively from the outset. Believe yourself aided by the inclusion of his surely you will succeed in the future. Do not forget to pray and strive!

5. Each BUSINESS sure there BENEFITS

Think that will make you do what you can do with a vengeance. Therefore all the ability that you have to be spent to reach your goal. So do not underestimate the power of positive thinking because actually all that comes from the mind. Similarly, if you think you will not get from the beginning, then the result is more or less not much different. Although successful but there must be feeling less

But if you think there must be from the start, although the result is ugly though, you will accept it gracefully as you have issued all the capabilities you. Someday if the opportunity arises again then you will give all the capabilities you again, which certainly is greater than ever. If you can think of any bad it early then you will be satisfied with the results

6. With positive thinking, you also give positive impact on the environment around you.

Can you believe that anyway if you have positive thoughts, you are also able to change the atmosphere around you become more positive aura. Examples course is when you get together with your friends, by providing the positive things you have also been spreading the positive thoughts. So that your friend also got what you feel. It's the power of positive thinking can be transmitted also to the environment around you

Starting from yourself then you will more easily share them later to the people around you. The people that you care about such as family and friends terkedat though. Merry Riana is one of the women who give positive impacts even many stories he inspires others. Provide impact and very influential.

7. Undoubtedly you will achieve what you aspire

By creating a mindset that everything happens for a reason and have a purpose and a goal. Whatever you do you will receive even when things you went through that bad though. You have tried to take a lesson from every problem you face and are not afraid to deal with it. Did you know that you're one step ahead as it is every day

It is undeniable with a mindset like that, over time you will be obvious purpose. You will feel the ideals you dream closer to you. So think positive in every situation!

Complete-Wheat Spaghetti with Lemon, Basil, and Salmon

19.42 0

    - 1/2 pound whole-wheat spaghetti pasta
    - 1 clove garlic, minced
    - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    - half teaspoon salt, plus greater for seasoning
    - half of teaspoon freshly floor black pepper, plus more for seasoning
    - 1 tablespoon olive oil

    - four (4-ounce) pieces salmon
    - 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
    - three tablespoons capers
    - 1 lemon, zested
    - 2 tablespoons lemon juice
    - 2 cups clean child spinach leaves

bring a massive pot of salted water to a boil over excessive heat. upload the pasta and prepare dinner until tender but nevertheless company to the chunk, stirring from time to time, approximately eight to 10 minutes. Drain pasta and transfer to a large bowl. add the garlic, greater-virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper. Toss to mix.

meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a medium skillet over medium-high warmth. Season the salmon with salt and pepper. add the fish to the pan and cook until medium-uncommon, about 2 minutes in line with side, depending on the thickness of the fish. put off the salmon from the pan.

upload the basil, capers, lemon zest, and lemon juice to the spaghetti aggregate and toss to combine. Set out 4 serving plates or shallow bowls. place 1/2 cup spinach in each bowl. pinnacle with 1/4 of the pasta. pinnacle each mound of pasta with a bit of salmon. Serve at once.

Sesame-Ginger Salmon en Papillote

08.24 0

    - Zest of 1/2 an orange
    - 1 teaspoon peeled, minced clean ginger
    - 3 tablespoons soy sauce
    - 1 tablespoon fresh orange juice
    - 2 teaspoons rice vinegar
    - 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
    - 1 teaspoon honey

    - 2 heads toddler bok choy, ends trimmed and  cut into thirds thru the stem
    - 1 pink bell pepper, seeded and thinly sliced
    - half of cup bean sprouts
    - 4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets
    - Freshly floor black pepper
    - Olive oil, for brushing packets
    - 1/3 cup diagonally thinly sliced scallions, for garnish
    prepare dinner's be aware: Aluminum foil can be substituted for parchment paper.

    spread and set up the pieces of parchment on 2 baking sheets.


 Preheat the oven to 425 stages F. integrate the orange zest, ginger, soy sauce, orange juice, vinegar, sesame oil and honey collectively in a small bowl; set apart.

Fold 4 (sixteen via-12-inch) parchment paper squares in half lengthwise.
calmly divide the bok choy, bell peppers, and bean sprouts most of the four parchment packets. Season the veggies with 1 tablespoon sesame-ginger marinade. region a salmon fillet on pinnacle of the vegetables and season with the black pepper and an additional tablespoon of the marinade.

Fold the pinnacle half of of the parchment over the fish, and overlap small folds along the open area to seal. Brush every packet with olive oil. Bake for 8 to 10 mins, till the parchment paper puffs up.

transfer the parchment packets to plates. carefully reduce the packets open, heading off the new steam, and serve.

in keeping with serving (consists of scallion garnish): calories 348; overall fats 14 grams; Saturated fats 2 grams; Protein 42 grams; total Carbohydrate 16 grams; Sugar: 10 grams; Fiber 5 grams; cholesterol ninety four milligrams; Sodium 1338 milligrams;

Exploding Chicken Taquitos

08.11 0

    - 1 (nine three/four to ten-ounce) can ninety eight-percentage fats-unfastened chunk white chook breast in water, drained and flaked
    - half of cup salsa, plus more, as dip, non-obligatory
    - 1/3 cup shredded fats-loose Cheddar cheese

    - 1/four teaspoon dry taco seasoning mix
    - 8 (6-inch) yellow corn tortillas
    - fat-unfastened bitter cream, as dip, non-compulsory


Preheat the oven to 375 stages F.

In a medium bowl, combine the chicken and salsa, and blend very well. cowl and refrigerate for 15 mins.

cast off bird aggregate from the fridge, and drain any excess liquid. add cheese and taco seasoning, and mix to combine. that is your filling. Set apart.

prepare a baking sheet by spraying it with nonstick spray. Set apart.

hose down 2 paper towels, and location tortillas between them. Microwave for about 1 minute, until tortillas are heat and pliable.

vicinity one tortilla flat on a clean dry floor (hold the rest among the paper towels), and spoon about 2 heaping tablespoons filling onto the tortilla. spread it calmly across the whole floor, and roll the tortilla up tightly, so you have a cigar-formed tube. comfy with toothpicks, if wanted, and place seam-aspect down on the baking sheet. Repeat with final tortillas and filling.

Bake within the oven until crispy, 14 to 16 minutes.

allow to chill for 5 mins. Serve with sour cream and additional salsa for dipping, if the use of. experience!

per SERVING (2 taquitos): 197 energy, 2.5g fat, 594mg sodium, 22.5g carbs, 3g fiber, 2g sugars, 20.5g protein